Approach to State Government:
The role of state government is to preserve and protect its towns and cities on issues that we can’t do by ourselves.
But foremost in our legislators’ minds must be their responsibility to make it possible for us, especially our small towns, to be everything we want to be.
The Biggest Problem for our Towns:
Generally speaking, the biggest challenge facing our towns every year is coming up with a town budget that taxpayers can live with. Period. Full stop.
The major cause of the budget battles has been the declining state aid to education (known as Educational Cost Share) over the past 6-8 years. With public education as the largest and most important service that our towns provide, even modest increases which stay in line with inflation overflow onto the local property taxpayer. As a result, there is very little room for other town needs.
Why I run:
I believe the state’s retreat from funding a reasonable amount of public education threatens the very nature of our towns. I believe its unfunded mandates, however well intentioned, makes the situation worse. Our ability to serve and improve other areas of our towns, such as roads, public safety and recreation is compromised. Budget time turns departments against departments and neighbors against neighbors, and low and moderate property taxpayers are caught in the balance.
I run in the hope that towns can finally have the resources they need to provide the services their community deserves.
And I especially run for our neighbors, the taxpayers in our towns, some of whom struggle to maintain their homes in light of increased taxes because the state has systematically cut aid to our biggest and most important town service, that of educating our kids. This is a platform that all residents can embrace.
Other Issues:
Clearly, a state rep does not have the luxury of being a one issue candidate. The state rep needs to champion multiple needs of the district. Traditional themes of the environment, social services, access to healthcare and individual rights and dignity are foundations of good government to which I subscribe. My background as a CPA and business advisor has helped me understand that thriving, responsible businesses are key to a sustained quality of life for everyone. We must support and encourage excellence and growth in many areas of industry, especially manufacturing, where Connecticut can continue as a world leader. We must especially make this effort available to our small towns which seek a broader tax base.
Biographical Information:
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